Portrait of Betsy Payne smiling

Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem Committee Member, Betsy Payne, Joins PEF Team

Posted: February 5, 2020

We are delighted to announce that PEF recently hired a Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem Manager. Our 10-year grant from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has enabled us to fund this full-time position, as well as support other aspects of the STEM Ecosystem. Susan (Betsy) Payne joined the PEF team on Monday, February 3.

Betsy has a strong science background, an equally strong background in education, and a powerful commitment to STEM equity, access, and diversity. Feel free to ask Betsy about her work with PEF, the Women in Natural Sciences Program at the Academy of Natural Sciences, the George Washington Carver Science Fair, and the Ecosystem Steering Committee. Betsy can be reached at spayne@philaedfund.org.

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